Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Was Fantastic!

Spring break this year was fantastic! My husband is home, my kids were out of school (and behaving) and my house is clean. What more can a woman ask for. This is what the weather has been like. I might never leave home again.

Q had an awards ceremony this morning and received kudos for a/b honor roll. He has been on the a/b honor roll for a couple of years so me thinks that it may be time to talk to him about kicking it up a notch. He is more than capable of making straight a's, he is just in the zone I guess.

CJ and I spent the day together. We got manicures and pedicures and shopped. Very nice day. He even took me to lunch. We will be taking the boys to dinner tonight to celebrate them doing so well in school.

Inspired is right around the corner! I can't believe how fast time is flying. I better start getting those class kits in gear.
I had to take a few pictures of the inside of my house for the listing and thought that I would share a funny story (I think it's funny, my sister, not so much). See the painting above the fire place. Just lovely isn't it. I bought it for my sister for Christmas about 5 years ago and at the time, I needed a painting to hang in our living room for staging. Well yeah, you guessed it, I love it so much that when she came for Christmas dinner, I showed it to her and said Merry Christmas look what I got you. She could not believe it and said that I was just wrong. What? It's a lovely painting! I was going to get her another one but haven't been able to find one. Maybe this year.

My studio is a hot mess! I have got to clean it. Got to, got to, got to. Maybe today. Okay maybe tomorrow.

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