Monday, May 15, 2017

Graduation Photo Shoot

I know that I've mentioned a few hundred times that my youngest is going to be going off to college soon.  Sigh.  Time has just gone way to fast!  

He has been homeschooled since 6th grade so has not had any school photos since elementary.  Because of this I decided to do a graduation photo shoot and to throw him a surprise graduation party.  Although I suspect he knows about the party:)  He's observant that one and I am no bueno when it comes to keeping a secret;)  

The photos are amazing!!!  My husband did the shoot and omgoodness did he get some great shots.....

We had a great day!  And it did take us all day long lol.  We are starting a new home improvement project so I'll have even less creative time than I do now that our travel season has kicked off.  Hopefully I can do 1 to 2 pages/projects a day.  My little guy (the one above 😎) gave me a watercolor kit for Mother's Day so that I can get started on the landscape that's been on my wish list for the last few years.  No more excuses.

I do have some layouts to share today.  4 seems to be my magic number so 4 it is.  This first one features a photo that my daughter took in Central Park of one of the performers.  She danced beautifully and her partner played his violin so, so pretty for her.  They were amazing to watch.....

Another NYC shot.  As a matter of fact, ALL of the photos on the pages I'm sharing today are from NYC and most were taken by my daughter:)  My sister took the kids to NYC on vacation one year and they got a great selfie in front of lady liberty.....

My daughter attended TeenVogue one year......

And lastly a few more shots of this little guy enjoying the bubble man in Central Park.  These are some of my favorite photos of him and the page was very fun to make.  The gold stars were made with Bo Bunny Glitter Paste and a stencil....

So it's Monday again and I hope that you are having a great one.  Thanks for stopping by to visit me!

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