Thursday, October 12, 2017

So Many Words

Not on these pages lol.  These pages are true to what normally comes from me:)  A brief description on the back with a cool title and a pretty photo.  Yep.  100 years from now when people look at my pages they will know:
  •  where we are
  •  who we are 
  • when we are and 
  • what we are doing.  

They may know what we are feeling but probably not.  I am sure that the ball at Epcot will still look like this though......

My daughter is the queen of texting me photos to prove that she is telling me the truth.  As if I never believe what she is telling me.  This time she wanted to prove that she was in the gym sweating it out.  I believed you baby girl and am happy to receive any and all the selfies that you are willing to send me.  Lodge your complaints about said selfies ending up in the family album and/or on the blog elsewhere though:)  Peace out.  Mom 😘

This friends is my first attempt at creating a sketch.  Umm.  Yeah.  I should have done it on paper first.  The basic idea is there so it's not a complete fail but it is much harder than Becky makes it look!  My plan is to fill the numbers 1 and 4 with journaling and the blocks with the numbers 2 and 3 also will be filled with journaling.  We had an event recently that filled my heart with so much to say but until now I couldn't get the words out.  I will post the finished page tomorrow:)  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!!!

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