It is no wonder I was sick. SC weather is the pits! The day yesterday started off in the high 70's and this morning it was in the 50's. Plus it rained and rained and rained. Ugh. Finally, the fortress that is my 16 yo son fell to the flu bug that we all had. Hopefully, we can keep him quarantined so that he does not reinfect the rest of us. Is that cruel? I'll give him soup and theraflu, I promise.
Today, your challenge was to print photos on canvas or textured cardstock and hand color the prints to match your layouts. Here is my take............
Today, your challenge was to print photos on canvas or textured cardstock and hand color the prints to match your layouts. Here is my take............

I printed the nature photos onto some plaid paper that I have had for a long time. After outlining the trees and some of the leaves with a black, fine tip Zig Marker, I lightly colored them in with artist crayon. The edges were inked with TH Distress Ink (which seemed to bring out more of the background). I printed the photos of my bff on cream cardstock and did the same crayon treatment with the background. I took the pictures about 2 weeks ago so I used the crayons to add leaves and blue skies. Very fun.
How did you guys like Marie's blog? I have been visiting some very artsy ones lately and if I can find them again (blog surfing is taking over my life and I stop by way to many to bookmark). Although, I must say that I visit Christine Middlecamps blog everyday. Her life, not just her work, is so inspiring. I would love to be able to layer the way she does. Her layouts are like oranges, the more you peel the more you find. Check her out for yourself. Hope you had a fantastically fabulous hump day and that your Thursday is equally terrific. Blog you tomorrow!
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