I always make the comment about how I always scrap my pages but never put them in albums. Guess what, I have placed all but the unphotographed pages in albums! That is a real milestone for me. I have even had to open up some albums that I have bought and never used and am fillling one that I had gotten in a DD class about a year ago. I find myself needing a couple more good D-ring 12X12 albums right about now. Good thing I own a store huh.
Me and the children will be moving to DC this summer to be with my husband and I am so much more excited than I thought I would be. It is scary, for sure, with all of the unknowns but the 1 known factor makes all of the unsurity (a word?) worth it. We will be a family that lives under one roof again. The boys are sad to leave their friends and their established way of life. Q has good friends that he hangs with everyday and these children are a delight and a blessing. He is doing exceptionally well in school (in advanced classes) and loves, loves, loves his teacher. A has a group of guys and a girl that he spends his free time with. To be honest they all act exactly alike, scary. His grades are improving to the point where the hubby and I are not only shocked but proud of his efforts paying off. We've always known he's no dummy, now he knows he's no dummy. We love our Church and am unsure if we will be able to find such a perfect Church home in DC. Hopefully moving will not put a kabosh on all of these good things. But I trust God and I know that he will ease our way. We are supposed to be there and he has plans for us there so in May or June, we will locate ourselves there.
Still finishing about 3-4 projects a day and so loving it. I have been obsessed with pencil lines lately and have been doing their sketches every week. Love the exercise it gives my creative muscles. Here are a few of the lo's that I worked on......
This is going to pencil lines. I found some pics that my hubby took when I came back from my very first deployment. I have never in my life been so happy to see dry land and my cuter than cute kids. And holding the hubby wasn't so bad either. It is very, very difficult to be reduced to sleeping alone and not having your family to discuss your day with, let alone not be able to return the favor to them.

When I had A, I swear that I believed that she was the most adorable child on the planet! She was a perfect baby. I'm so not exaggerating! She rarely cried, always did what I told her too and 9 times out of ten, she was smiling & laughing. She even took naps up until the time she was 8 or 9. Heck, she still takes naps and she is almost 20, lol. I love this page. Love, love, love it.

Ok, seriously, my husband is the greatest. I don't always tell him this but he really does his best to take care of me. Not in the sentimental, mushy but not too mushy way that I dream of sometimes, but in the Dr. Spock like logic that is all him. He knows that I hate, I mean really hate, having to download my photos from my card into Kodak. So he picked this little gadget up a while ago. When he was home this time, he asked me how I liked it and I had to tell him that I didn't even know what the heck it was for and had never even touched it. Well, once he showed me what it was and how to use it, I was in seventh heaven! What would take me an hour before the life saver, now takes about 10 minutes and loads directly into my photo editing software. Needless to say, the man had an incredible dinner that night!

1 comment :
card readers are amazing..mostly so..if you have three different cameras with three different type of cards. moving? did you sell? are you renting?
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