Wednesday, March 25, 2015

August 2015 Calendar Page

I am rolling on this calendar page project and I could not be any happier about it!  So far, June is my favorite page.  I am LOVING following this plan!  My pages just fall together and this slow scrapper can get them done in less than an hour.  That never happens.  Ever.

The color choices on this one.  Well, I don't know how I feel about them.  I am getting down to the last of the papers that I selected for the project and feeling a little bit that my least favorite patterns are getting pushed to the back.  Even though I sorted them by what I was going to use when and with what, that plan has been changing as I create the pages.  I've been going through and rearranging so nothing is where it started.  And that's fine, just, you know its making me rethink things and there will probably be some stuff added to the pile to balance me out. 

My layouts for the album have been leaning to the flat side and that is unusual for me too.  Remember my comment about how cheaply made the calendar was?  It is coming back to bite me in the rump!  My calendar is actually starting to tear and I have to come up with a solution for that.  I think that I am going to washi tape the seams and reinforce them with some stiff paper as I go forward.  I have a long reach stapler so I should be able to put this humpty dumpty back together again.  Hopefully. 

At first glance, planning a project like this may seem difficult but it really isn't.  If you keep in mind the fact that a calendar project is not meant to hold all of the photos that you take in a month, at an event or during a special occasion but just enough to show a highlight of what was happening at that point in time. 

I scrapbook and make a lot of mini-albums so there are more detailed layouts and descriptions of what we are up to elsewhere.  The calendar is simply to hang in our office and bring us a little joy there. 

It can be difficult to create the pages without the photos but it doesn't have to be if you are willing to be flexible.  Like a yoga instructor or something:)

And last but definitely not least, I made a page about my nephews first year of soccer.  He is such a cutie.....

Thanks for stopping by & Happy Humpday Folks!

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